Social Emotional Support
Get Help Immediately:
Text "WELL" to 65173, call 1-888-NYC-WELL (692-9355), or chat now (link)
NYC-Well is a confidential mental health information and referral line with access to mobile crisis teams. Staffed by trained social workers 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
Interpretation services are offered for 200+ languages.
Mindfulness and Stress Management:
Apps for Mindfulness and Stress Management:
Insight Timer
Waking up Children
Smiling Mind
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame
Hite Site offers a citywide online search for mental health, social services, and healthcare agencies.
Learn how you can assist others at the ThriveNYC Learning Center (Open external link)
Family Resource Centers offer free parent-to-parent support, advocacy, and mental health resources. Call:
Manhattan North: 212-410-1820
Manhattan South: 212-964-5253
Bronx North: 718-220-0456
Bronx South: 718-220-3868
Queens West: 718- 651-1960
Brooklyn North: 877-425-8133
Brooklyn South: 347-394-5186