Rose Mejia
Community School Director
Rose Mejia is the Community School Director at Lyons Community School through Grand Street Settlement and 21CCLC. She was born and raised in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and has been involved with youth and community development through community organizations in Los Sures (The Southside). Rose went on to St. Bonaventure University then moved back to NYC to continue her education and work in Human Services at Boricua College. Rose worked for countless organizations that promote Education and Development through Sesame Workshop, BrainPOP and Google. Rose returned to the Youth and Community Development field by becoming the Community School Director for Lyons Community School. She saw it as a way to pay it forward for the school's tireless work on her family and friends who graduated through Lyons Community School. In her spare time she loves to read and see her two kids growing up alongside her husband Max Mejia, who is a Lyons Community School alum.
Rose can be reached at