Miguelangel Gonzalez
MS Social Studies
Miguelangel is a Bushwick native with an extensive footprint. He lived in Chicago where he studied History and Latin American Studies; explored and did research in countries like Costa Rica, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. However, his itch to travel could not outdo the love for his hometown of New York City where he returned and attended graduate school to study education and history. Miguelangel began his teaching career in 2015 and also worked as a museum educator at the New-York Historical Society. Miguelangel is a fan of the New York Giants, loves to read books, and found a passion in writing short stories.
Miguelangel joined the Lyons team in the Fall of 2016 as a middle school teacher and is proud to get the chance to give-back to his home community.
Miguelangel can be reached at: miguelangel@lyonscommunityschool.org