Ina Karanxha
Ina is an Occupational Therapist servicing students at Lyons and other District 14 locations. An OT's main concern in a school setting is the student’s ability to access their education during classroom activities, lunchtime, recess, etc. Ina collaborates with all school staff to identify students who may benefit from services and provides therapy sessions for students classified as having a disability and whose function and participation is impacted during the school day. Whether pushing into a classroom to provide verbal or visual support (i.e checklists, highlighters) for a student or pulling a student out during a non-core class to practice ways to ask for help during school or engaging in sensory based intervention, Ina's goal is to incorporate joy, compassion, self-awareness and creativity in all her sessions.
She grew up in Albania and Boston, MA and received her masters degree from University of Illinois Chicago in Occupational Therapy. Ina has worked with preschool, elementary, middle school and high school age students. She enjoys riding her bike, working on arts based projects, cooking, gardening, and dancing. Ina loves the creativity, honesty and resilience that working with children brings to her life and looks forward to continuing to empower students every day.
You can reach Ina at