Elizabeth Conde
Elizabeth Conde - Social Worker
Elizabeth Conde, LMSW-SIFI is a School Social Worker. She is responsible for providing social, emotional and academic support for students in her caseload. For the past twenty-three years, she has worked with different populations and programs including but not limited to domestic violence, adult education, and substance abuse. She is a volunteer advisory board member for Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation. She is a Modern Abolitionist Professional Volunteer at the Ricky Martin Foundation, whose mission is to end human trafficking. She is a volunteer committee member for the Latino Social Work Coalition & Scholarship Fund. She is a contributing author in Latinx/e in Social Work Vol. II.
Elizabeth is a Civics Teacher helping individuals to become U.S. Citizens and be able to exercise their right to vote.
Elizabeth holds an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts Psychology from Hudson CountyCommunity College, a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from Rutgers
University-Newark, a Master of Social Work from Adelphi University and her SIFI
certification (Seminar Training in Field Instruction) from Columbia University.